Privacy Policy

We will try our best to keep the policy as simple as possible.

Data sharing
We will not sell your personal data to third parties.

Data collection
  1. Personal email address (in some cases)
    • to send communication for matters related to
  2. Answers about participant demographic
    • as analytical input for this study.
  3. Answers about employment experience
    • as primary input for this study.
    • as analytical input for this study.
  4. Metadata such as IP address and language preference
    • to decide the right content to be served.
    • to detect bot automated response or bogus input.
  5. Analytics about user interaction with survey form
    • to improve design and user experience of survey.
    • to detect bot automated response or bogus input.

To enhance anonymity:
  • responses from participants will be aggregated in stats search result.
  • if number of matches is not great, search result will be showing range of matches rather than the exact match count.
  • if number of matches is too low, search result will not be shown.

Privacy breach
If there is a privacy breach, we will inform affected participants as soon as possible by email.

If you discover a privacy leak, please report it discreetly to