Work Hours Stats powered by Communities
Do you know the work hours demand of interested occupation, region, industry or organisation, including hours and schedule stability?
WorkHours Global Survey
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Stability of work schedule

"Damn! I broke my promise again!"
Repeatedly fell into this situation can be seriously demoralising.

The less stable the working hours, the harder it becomes to predict availability of personal time. Consequently, employees tend to be more hesitate to make commitments for their needs, such as those for personal growth, social, and family responsibility.

Workload distribution over 52 weeks

Weeks within a year grouping by workload level: typical, high, and low workload.

Weekly work hours

How many hours do employees work on a typical week?

What about those weeks with unusual workload?

And more...

More statistics related to working hours.

Personal Work Hours Profile

Is your working hours consistent?

Are you able to clearly communicate your workload and working hours, without the risk of misinterpretation?


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